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Normalization is All You Need: Robust Full-Range Contactless SpO2 Estimation Across Users


The accurate estimation of peripheral capillary oxygen saturation (SpO 2 ) is vital for monitoring respiratory health, with applications spanning medical diagnostics and fitness tracking. Remote photoplethysmography (rPPG) offers a convenient and non-contact approach for SpO 2 estimation. However, existing methods predominantly rely on data within the normal SpO 2 range, hindering their effectiveness during hypoxemia. Moreover, cross-user variations poses significant challenges for practicality. To address these limitations, we propose a simple yet effective normalization-based SpO 2 estimation algorithm. By aligning individual Ratio-of-Ratios (RoR) data with a standard model at the matching SpO 2 level, we mitigate cross-user variation, accommodate different camera configurations, and account for lighting changes. Our experiments demonstrate that the proposed method achieves an rMSE of 2.8% with leave-one-subject-out cross-validation across the full SpO 2 range (70%-100%), significantly outperforming existing RoR-based and CNN-based SpO 2 estimation approaches. Notably, our methods excel in accurately identifying hypoxemia, a critical clinical requirement. We anticipate broader applicability of our approach in rPPG-based vital sign monitoring, underlining the potential for enhancing robustness and reliability in various domains.

Author: Qijia Shao, Li Zhu, Moshin Ahmed , Korosh Vatanparvar, Migyeong Gwak, Nafiul Rashid, Jungmok Bae, Jilong Kuang, Alex Gao

Published: ICASSP 2024 - 2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)

Date: Apr 14, 2024