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Unified Srgb Real Noise Synthesizing with Adaptive Feature Modulation


Recently, the Neighboring Correlation-Aware (NeCA) noise model has achieved impressive performance on both noise synthesis and the downstream image denoising task. However, its design regarding noise-level prediction requires training NeCA separately for each camera type. To this end, by making use of an adaptive feature modulation technique, we improve NeCA’s noise-level prediction model to be unified for different camera types and thus enable a unified sRGB real noise synthesis method. We also find out that in the neigh-boring correlation network of NeCA, there is no mechanism to maintain the signal dependency of the synthesized noise. Therefore, we introduce another adaptive feature modulation technique to the neighboring correlation network to maintain the signal dependency of the noise.

Author: Wenbo Li, Zhipeng Mo, Yilin Shen, Hongxia Jin

Published: ICASSP 2024 - 2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)

Date: Apr 14, 2024