Research Topics

Immersive & Advanced Visual Solution
We are researching many uses of AI to improve the visual experience on our screens with primary emphasis in several major areas: Super resolution, HDR, Motion Compensation and remastering. We are constantly exploring new possibilities and are very active publishers of research.

Immersive & Improved Sound Technology
We are researching how AI can be used to improve all aspects of Sound Quality of all our products. Current areas of research include improving the Immersive 3D Audio performance of our soundbars using AI-based AutoEQ, Level and Delay setting. We are also looking at how AI can be used to reduce loudspeaker distortion and maximize Sound Pressure Level.

Intelligent & Data driven AI
We focus our research in intelligent and engaging end user experiences on the TV powered by AI. Experiences including smart home, extended reality and multimodal video understanding. We are also responsible for receiving and processing petabytes of information from Samsung TVs around the world to drive services that enhance the user’s TV experience and enhance business units.

Outdoor Display Technology
We focus on Outdoor LED Display Design and Development. We are responsible for providing custom design solutions to meet specific customer requirements. We are constantly exploring new ways to improve Samsung Outdoor LED product performance and the end user experience.
Activity Areas

Industry & Standards
We lead in standardization and ecosystem development in areas of 8K/UHD, HDR, HDR10+, Gaming experience, Broadcast, Virtual Production and Cinema. Experts in these areas work for SRA to insure that these technologies are properly standardized and to inform, educate and support partner companies in growth of these news ways to be entertained. Our team also includes many software engineers building tools to help us innovate faster and to support use by our partners such as in streaming and HDR creation tools for HDR10+.